12 Letters from Santa Claus

    One day, Yuki found a card on her desk.

 Hello, Yuki!

  Ifm Santa Claus.

  Do you like books? Do you like toys?

  Ifm thinking about your Christmas present.

    Yuki didnft have brothers and sisters. So, she played alone everyday. Her only friend was a teddy bear named gAndyh. Yuki said to Andy,

gPlease look at this card! Is this really from Santa Claus?h

Yuki wrote a letter to Santa Claus.

 Hello, Ifm Yuki.

  Thank you for your card.

  I like books. I like toys, too.

  But I donft want them.

    Yuki put the letter on a tree.

    At last, Christmas came. Yuki found a card on her desk.

 Hello Yuki. I decided on your present.

  A special present for you!

    gWhat is the special present?h, Yuki said.

Then, Mother called Yuki. gYuki, please come here.h

Father said to Yuki, gWe have a big news, Yuki. Mom has a new baby in her stomach. That is your sister or brother.h

Yuki was so happy. She wanted to play with someone.