Study 1
  March 3rd is called HINA-MATSURI or Girls’ Festival. Families with girls display ohinasama or hina-dolls in their homes and wish for the girls to grow up healthy.
  Shizuoka has many factories for making hina-dolls. Each doll part is made individually in different areas. Heads are not made in Shizuoka but in another prefecture. However, body parts and miniature furniture are mainly made in Shizuoka.
  On the Izu Peninsula, hanging hina-dolls are traditional. These hanging hina-dolls are now getting popular in other places too. It is not difficult to make them. Please try to make them if you like.
  Every year new hina-dolls called kawari-bina dolls are made. These dolls are connected with that year’s big news event or highlights.
factories---(名詞) factory「工場」の複数形
individually---(副詞) 個々で、独自に
miniature---(形容詞) 小型の、ミニチュアの
furniture---(名詞) 家具
connected---(動詞) connect「関連する、つながる」の過去分詞形
highlight---(名詞) 顕著なできごと
3月3日のひな祭りには、女の子の成長を願ってひな人形を飾ります。静岡には、ひな人形やひな具づくりの工場がたくさんあります。特に体の部分を作る工場は日本で一番多いのです。伊豆地方では、つるしびなを飾る風習もあります。これは、自分たちでつくることもあるようです。 「変わりびな」というのは前年の大きな出来事に関連するひな人形のことです。