
問1)次の英文AとBについて、(     )内に入る語の組み合わせとして適切なものをa)〜d)の中から1つ選びましょう。
A: The bike was (       ) yesterday.
    選択肢 [ buying  /  to buy  /  bought  /  buys  ]
B: English is (       ) in many countries.
    選択肢 [ spoke /  spoken  /  speaking  /  speaks ]

a) A: buying - B: spoke  
b) A : to buy - B: spoken 
c) A: bought - B: speaking 
d) A: bought - B: spoken

問2) 次の英文の(     )内に入る適切な語を、a)〜d)の中から1つ選びましょう。

My parents (            ) with my volunteer work.

a) were surprised   b) were interested  c) were pleased   d) were covered 

問3) 次の英文の(     )内に入る適切な語を、a)〜d)の中から1つ選びましょう。

Mr. Sato has two sons (       )in Tokyo.

a) work   b) works   c) worked   d) working

問4)日本語の意味に合う英文を a) 〜d)の中から1つ選びましょう。


a) The students they made by hand gave their teacher a bouquet for her wedding.
b) The students gave they made by hand their teacher a bouquet for her wedding.
c) The students gave their teacher a bouquet they made by hand for her wedding.
d) The students gave their teacher they made by hand a bouquet for her wedding.

問5) 次の英文の(     )内に入る適切な語を、a)〜d)の中から1つ選びましょう。

It is winter now (     ) it is very warm today.

a) and   b) but   c) or   d) so
