

日本文: 「鳥は空を飛びます。」
a) Birds fly in the sky.
b) Birds in the sky fly.

問2) 次の英文の中で間違っているものはどれでしょうか。
a) I have two apple.
b) Many women went to the party.
c) Some white birds were flying.

問3) 右の絵についてのAさんとBさんの会話を完成させるとき、(  )内のa, theについてどの組み合わせが良いでしょうか。
A: My brother is sitting on a chair and reading ( a / the ) book.
B: What is ( a / the ) title of his book?
a) A:a  B:a   b) A:a  B:the  c)A:the B:a   d) A:the  B:the     

問4) 次のA・Bの会話を完成させるために( )内の日本語を英語に変えたい。( )に前から順に入る組み合わせで、最もふさわしいものはどれでしょう。
A: Do you know that boy?
B: Yes, that is Mamoru.  ( 彼は ) is my classmate. I know ( 彼の ) e-mail address. Yesterday I gave ( 彼に ) mine, too. That cool skateboard is ( 彼のもの ).
a) We - our - us - ours
b) They - their - them - theirs
c) He - his - him - his
d) She - her - her - hers

問5) 京子さんの自己紹介中に出てくる動詞は全部でいくつあるか、(a)~(d)の中から1つ選んでください。
Hi, my name is Kyoko. I am a student of Asunaro Junior High School. I like winter sports very much but during summer time, I play soccer almost every day. I have a fish and he likes potato chips.

a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six
