4. A Diary from New Zealand
One Japanese junior high school student went to New Zealand. He is living there. He keeps a diary. Let’s read it.

Fri.26 April, 2002 
I arrived in New Zealand. I went to my host family’s house. Peter and his family are very kind.
  It is spring in Japan, but it’s fall in New Zealand. Many brown leaves are falling down. It’s not cold today.

Sat.27 April
    It’s fine today. I played rugby with Phillip and his friends. Rugby is very popular in New Zealand. I don’t know its rules, but I enjoyed it.

Sun.28 April
   I taught Louise Shuji. She can write and . Phillip can write Hiragana. He could also speak Japanese at school. I was happy with no reason.

Mon.29 April
    I went to a language school. My class has only five students; two Koreans, one Chinese, one Brazilian and me. They study English hard. I follow them. Their cultural stories are very interesting. I am able to learn about many different foreign cultures. 

Tue.30 April
     I joined the soccer club of our school. The teammates came from several countries. The Brazilian students played very well. I did my best, but how many times did I touch the ball? Anyway, I enjoyed the soccer game and made many friends. I’m happy.

His life in New Zealand goes on. He is studying a lot of things everyday.

New Zealand ニュージーランド/ keep 保つ、〜やり続ける/ diary 日記 / arrive 到着する / host 主人/ host father 滞在先家族のお父さん / kind 親切な/ brown 茶色の / leaves 葉っぱ (leaf 単数形)/ fall 落ちる / cold 寒い/ today 今日 / fine 晴天 / rugby ラグビー/ popular 人気のある / rule ルール/ enjoy 楽しむ/ taught 教えた / a little 少し/ reason 理由/ with no reason 訳もなく / language 言語/ class クラス、授業 / Korean 韓国人 / Chinese 中国人 / Brazilian ブラジル人 / hard 一生懸命に / follow 〜の後をついて行く / cultural 文化的な / story 話 / interesting 面白い / foreign culture 外国文化 / join 〜に入る / teammate ティームメイト / several いくつかの / anyway とにかく / make friends 仲良くなる、友達になる / go on 続く